Cream of Pumpkin Soup
Cream of pumpkin soup is a hearty and healthy dish that doesn't only need to be enjoyed in the winter. You can have it for your lunch and/or supper anytime of year and it's just as delicious. Try this recipe out for yourselves.

1 fresh pumpkin
2 cloves garlic minced
2 cups vegetable broth
1 cup water
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp garlic, pepper, and herbs seasoning
1 cup whipping cream
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
Wash and peel pumpkin and into smaller pieces. Then place the pumpkin, garlic and vegetable broth into a pot to boil until the pumpkin becomes soft. Next you pour the soup into a blender and blend until it becomes a smooth consistency. Make sure it is not lumpy or chunky. Pour the soup back into the pot and add the cream. Then stir and serve.