Homemade Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Where I was born in the Caribbean, we made macaroni a little bit differently. Instead of cooking it all in a pot and then serving it, my family would throw it into the oven to give the macaroni a nice crust. It's a small twist to the original dish but it tastes just as delicious!

1 box of macaroni pasta
3 cups milk
3 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup margarine
In a large pot, cook the macaroni according to the package. When cooked, drain well. (Prepare a greased pan and set aside!) Add flour to the butter and heat well until mixture is slightly brown. Then add milk, salt and pepper and whisk to avoid lumps. Cook until the sauce thickens. Then add cheese and whisk until smooth. Set aside, then add pasta to the sauce. Mix well. Bake in prepared pan until golden brown. Bake for approximately 25 - 30 mins.